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Thank you for the PERMA BAN!!! I love you EA!

EA, my best friends, my life long companion, my soul mate. I just wanted to thank you for this lovely perma bann, it was greatly appreciated. I would have glady sent you a gift for my lovely perma ban, but I can no longer give gifts, so I will be keeping my money to myself, I mean, it's not like you already have taken enough of my money.

Thank You EA!!! I will greatly enjoy this perma ban and use it to the best of my ability, it was the best gift I have ever recieved!


Brad L said...

This is ridiculous. I hate EA.

firestar said...

WTF. EA needs to get their head outta their ass. ]:<

alexis365 said...


*huggles ray*

Anonymous said...

I am getting sick of EA's mindless banning.

Oh no, they'll probably see this comment and ban me as I'm 'rebelling'! D:

Megan said...



Anonymous said...

Wow..I'm sorry ]:< Dumbasses! Don't worry, everyone is seeming to get banned now adays..

Kellor said...

That's such bull, you should find out why you were banned. >=(

Anonymous said...

That's terrible. :l

MummyGaGa said...

that just awful!

ps: have you not registor ambitions on your main account? i believe you didn't! you can get a new account through ambitions, rayy!

dolphinz said...

OK, so real quick, why? Because you came back and made it known you were a person who was unfairly perma'd before?!?! That's so stupid!

*free hugglez*

Just kidding. That's gonna cost you a nickel. (:

dolphinz said...

Whoa, I thought you were Cay for a minute. Well, disregard my theory then, Rayy. But you still owe me the nickel. xD

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